Monday, July 29, 2013

Kennewick Zone

Last week we got a call from Nanci Warner. She is an older lady in our ward and she needed help. Her dog got hit by a car and she needed to bury it. So we went over in our proselyting clothes  and dug a 3 foot deep hole in her front yard in 100+ degree weather. She loved that dog more than anything else in her life right now. It was sad to have to bury him, but it was also an odd experience. I never thought I would be doing that on my mission.

We made good progress with the Morgans this week too! We had a lesson on Tuesday and afterward played bocce with them and the Wesslings in our ward. The Wesslings are the coolest. It was good fellowship for John and Kelly and their 10 year old son Tyler. They missed church this week though... They had come three weeks in a row before this week. So we went over last night to check in and they're still doing great. She's been reading every day. He's been reading whenever we give him assignments. They've both made big strides in their progress in the gospel.

I ran into two former companions this week! We were at the church and we saw Elder Boswell in the parking lot. He's here visiting the mission. And then Saturday and Sunday we got to see Elder Metz who is doing the same things as Boswell. They're just coming back to visit before school starts. Elder Metz came to dinner last night with us too over at the Rose's house. It was pretty awesome to see both of them again and weird to see them not as missionaries.

We found a new investigator named Debra Halley-Hanson. She is super cool. She's met with missionaries in Pasco before and has attended church with a friend before. We "accidentally" found her when looking for someone else. SHe's coming on a church tour on Tuesday and then she's going to cook us dinner on Wednesday. Things are going well!

Speaking of church tours. We had zone conference this week and that was a big focus of it. In the Spokane Mission (which we just picked up a lot of) they were really big into church tours, and we have just adopted a lot of their ideas and tactics in our mission now. So there is a greater focus on getting non-members to the church to give them a quick tour of the building to help relieve any anxiety about coming to sacrament meeting. We're trying to get everyone through a tour! Including the active members to show them what we do when we take investigators on a tour. It was a great training, and my last zone conference. I learned a lot. President Ware and the Assistants trained us well.

A lot of other good things happened this week but I don't want to bore you with more details :). Just know that we're doing a lot of eating. Way too much eating. Take it easy on your missionaries, don't feed them so much that they pop. Even if they're skinny. No sense in making them fat like me haha.

This upcoming week will be one that is full of meetings. District Meeting, DoChrist training, MLC, then zone meeting next Tuesday It will be a good week.

Love you all.
Elder Paxman


  1. Elder Chase,
    The time is passing so rapidly, and you will soon be reporting in St. George. We look forward to hearing you report and giving you a hug and a well-done!! Keep working hard and the Lord will continue to bless your efforts. You will always remember he people who have come to mean so much to you. Your life will never be the same. We love you, and are so proud of you.
    G-Pa Cable

  2. I love your emails, and I must say I'm a little sad to see it all coming to an end. You have had such an amazing and successful mission, and a lot of it is because you are such a hard and dedidated worker! The other part is that you have been incredibly blessed to have had the chance to be a person Heavenly Father has used to spread the gospel. What an honor! Maybe someday I can be as lucky...we'll see. I'm glad you are well taken care of on the food front. That's a very good thing. I find it interesting that church tours are encouraged and would actually enjoy going on one, just to see what it's like. A church is such a normal place to me that I can't really imagine what the tour would entail. Anyway, keep up the good work and we'll see you in a few weeks.

    Julie (and Tom too!)

  3. It must have been so fun to see two former missionaries as they are back in the area. It is so good that your investigators are getting to know some of the members because it will be super important to have support there as they come into the Church. It is great that you have had two wonderful mission presidents. I am sure they have been and will continue to be an inspiration to them. One of the reasons you have had such a great mission is your happy, upbeat view of life. This will help you all your life. Way to go Chase!
