I am absolutely loving it right now here in Kennewick. I am serving
with one of my favorite companions. Elder Metz is the best. And
Kennewick is amazing. The only sad thing is that this transfer is a
short transfer because of the new mission president coming in. So I will
only get to be with Elder Metz for 3 more weeks. Sad. But that's pretty
much the only thing getting me down right now. The only sad part about
this is that it has to end.
Here's what happened this week.
think of it. Who knows how many people are out there that believe all
these things and all they need is an invitation. How sad would it be if
they went through their whole life and never was invited to act on the
things they believe. They don't know how to act. That's why we're here.
Not just missionaries. Everyone who knows! Cool story. We gotta find the
prepared people.
for the work in our area... It's relatively nonexistent. There wasn't a
lot going on here at all. They had a total of 4 investigators left for
us in the area book and none of them were good. It's a good thing Elder
Metz has served in this area before. We are going back to a lot of the
people he used to teach. It's so cool to see the people that remember
him. They're all so excited to see him. I sure hope it would be the same
in any of the areas I've served in.
of the lack of things to do here right now we have been doing a lot of
finding. Mostly finding people that Metz used to teach. So we got a few
new investigators in the few days I've been here. It's also been tiring
to try and get the Zone going. It's tough to step into this position and
know what to do. We've kinda switched up the Zone vision a little bit.
We have four districts and 3 new district leaders. Elder Dutson is our
fourth district leader and he helped out a lot on letting us know what
was going on last transfer. We've switched things up a lot and trained
our new DL's and had a DLC and a few other meetings. There are 28
missionaries in our zone which is the biggest out of any in the mission.
It just takes a little bit to catch up on everything. We're getting
there though. It will be good to see all the missionaries together today
for p-day. We also had a cereal party on saturday to get together and meet everyone.
What else... Ha. We put someone on date I guess... Her name is Carol Eddy. She is definitely not solid. June 22
was her date. We had to invite her 5 times before she would give us a
straight answer. And even then it wasn't very straight haha. We'll see
if she comes to church!
sure lots of this email didn't make sense and lots was repeated. I've
just been trying to collect my thoughts and organize everything here.
The main thing: We are trying to find new investigators. All throughout
the zone. We are shooting for 85 in these next 3 weeks. Ocho Cinco.
That's what we're calling it. It's gonna be big.
I love this Kennewick Zone.
Love love
Elder Paxman
Chase, you are just the person to be in Kennewick. With your previous finding and teaching successes I don't doubt but that you will be able to find those who are prepared to hear the gospel. And at least you don't have fleas biting you, like your brother. I wish you great success in leading your zone and they will learn so much from you. Fun times. I know the Lord will bless you because you listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. We pray for you all the time. Love, Grandmother Cable
ReplyDeleteElder Paxman, I know Heavenly Father will bless the efforts of you and Elder Metz. You have been guided in all of your efforts so far, and have enjoyed great success. I am amazed by your sweet spirit and willingness to go the extra mile to find those who desire to know the truth. When the call came for more missionaries. The influence of the Spirit was also increased, so that each of you will find people waiting and prepared. I am so proud of all you have done, and you are constantly in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteG-Pa Cable