March 4, 2013
Elders and Sisters,
The hastening
continues!! In February we “totally shattered” our goal and had a
wonderfully unified effort of 56 baptisms! Your hard work and effort
continues to be evident as thirteen people were brought to
the waters last week and 205 new investigators were found. We need to
keep moving to reach our goal of 55 this month. Thank you for your hard
work and commitment to finding the elect.
We have now received
more details from priesthood leaders about the stakes that will
initially form the recently announced Washington Vancouver Mission.
Effective July 1, 2013, the following Stakes from the
Washington Kennewick Mission will be transferred to the Washington
Vancouver Mission:
Longview Washington Stake
The Dalles Oregon Stake
Vancouver Washington Stake
Vancouver Washington East Stake
Vancouver Washington North Stake
Vancouver Washington West Stake
On the same date, the
following four (4) Stakes from the Oregon Portland Mission will be
transferred to the Washington Vancouver Mission:
Gresham Oregon Stake
Portland Oregon Stake
Portland Oregon East Stake
Rainier Oregon Stake
We have not yet received information confirming the East Side mission alignment. Stay tuned.
Sister Greer and I
cannot count the number of times we have been residing in a ward, stake
or mission that has been subject to division or realignment. In every
case, it has resulted from growth in the church.
It is very important for each of us to sustain the decision of the
brethren. We urge you to stay focused on your purpose—to find, teach
and baptize!!
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